Excel UserForm Builder Add-in

If you’ve purchased a copy of my UserForms for Data Entry kit, there’s a new bonus for you — the UserForm Builder (UFB)  add-in. Watch the video below, to see how it works, and download the latest version of the kit, to try it out.

UserForms for Data Entry

The Excel UserForms for Data Entry kit shows you how to build your own UserForm, from scratch.

That’s a useful skill to learn, but if you just want a simple form built quickly, the UFB add-in is a real time saver.

Three Simple Steps

Select a cell in an Excel Table, and the UFB add-in will help you build a simple UserForm, based on that table.

There are three steps that the UFB guides you through:

  • Prepare the table
  • Build and customize the field list
  • Create the UserForm


Watch the Demo

Here’s a very short demo, that shows how easy it is to create a simple UserForm with the UFB add-in.

Make Changes to the UserForm

If you’re an experienced programmer, you could add more features and code to the basic UserForm, after it’s built.

Or, if you don’t know much about UserForms, you can make a few simple changes to the Userform’s appearance, such as the height and width, or the font size.


More Videos

There’s a longer demo video on the UserForm Builder videos page, and a video that shows how to modify the UserForm.

Those will help you after you download the new version of the UFDE kit, and want to try the UFB add-in.

UserForms for Data Entry Kit

Go to my Contextures website, to learn more about the Excel UserForms for Data Entry kit, and the UserForm Builder add-in, and the other bonus files in the kit.

And if you try the UFB add-in, please let me know if you have any suggestions for improving it!


Excel UserForm Builder Add-in

Excel UserForm Builder Add-in


Original source: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2019/04/11/excel-userform-builder-add-in/

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