Learn the top 30 advanced Excel features you need to know to go from beginner to advanced Excel user.
Table of Contents:
1. Get Data from Folders 0:22
2. Text to Columns 5:34
3. Remove Duplicate Values 7:22
4. AutoFill & Fill Handle 8:28
5. Flash Fill 10:41
6. Custom Lists 12:55
7. Freeze Panes 14:36
8. New Window and Arrange 15:48
9. Tables 17:21
10. Ideas 21:37
11. Rich Data Types 23:00
12. Fuzzy Matching 24:53
13. Data Validation Dropdown List 29:28
14. Data Validation Cell Message 32:00
15. Create a Named Constant 33:26
16. IF Function 35:03
17. COUNTIFS Function 36:29
18. SUMIFS Function 37:34
19. VLOOKUP Function 38:54
20. INDEX & MATCH Functions 40:06
21. Dynamic Arrays Functions 42:59
22. Display Formulas 49:14
23. Filters 50:10
24. Advanced Filters 52:55
25. Tables Slicers 56:23
26. PivotTables 57:58
27. Pivot Table Slicers & Timelines 1:02:09
28. Show Values As Calculations 1:03:49
29. Data Model Relationships 1:05:17
30. Data Model Advanced DAX Formulas 1:08:48
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