Berisi sembilan daftar shortcut yang dapat meringkas pekerjaan rutinmu di microsoft excel. Selection, Formatting, Hidden, Move, Delete, insert.
Bila dilatih dan dibiasakan, akan sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja di excel.
Shortcut adalah cara cepat, praktis dan elegan.
Semangat belajar!!!
Guest Speaker : Himawari Chan
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Berikut Daftar Video Lengkap :
Tutorial Komputer :
Dasar Operasi Windows ( Windows 7 , Windows 8, Windows 10)
Pengamanan Komputer (Data, Akun, Internet, Peripheral, Hardware, Software)
Teknik Instalasi Software
Perawatan Rutin Komputer (Software dan Hardware)
Upgrade Komputer (Software dan Hardware)
Word 2013:
Create a New Document and Insert Text
Insert and Format Graphics
Insert and Modify Text Boxes
Create a Table
Format a Table
Present a Word Document Online
Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Create Citations and a Bibliography
Save a Document
Correct Errors as You Type
How to Format a Document in APA Format
Convert Word Document to a PDF File
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
APA Format from Default Formatting
Table of Contents Tutorial
Format Paragraphs
Create a Custom Word Template
Preview and Print a Document
#shortcutexcel #mahirexcel #microsoftexcel
Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Use AutoComplete and AutoCorrect
Correct and Reorganize Text
Header and Footer Tutorial
Page Numbers Tutorial
Captions in Word
Review Document Headings in the Navigation Pane
Reorganize Document Text Using the Navigation Pane
Collapse and Expand Body Text in a Document
Use Continuous Section Breaks for Page Layout
Insert Page Numbers Starting from a Specific Page
Format Text
Undo and redo Commands or Actions
Modify a Style
Excel 2013:
Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Enter Data in a Worksheet
How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
Move Data and Rotate Text
Graph Data with a Pie Chart
Format a Pie Chart
MOS Prep – Basic Certification Exam Practice Study Guide
Change Fonts, Font Style, and Font Color
The NOW Function
Export Excel Spreadsheet to Access Table
The VLookup Function
The MIN or MINIMUM Function
Histogram Charts
Use the Sum Button to Sum a Range of Cells
Enter Formulas Using the Keyboard
Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Chart Data to Create a Column Chart & Insert Sparklines
Select Cells and Ranges
Use CountIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Use Date &Time Functions and Freeze Panes
Use Goal Seek to Perform What-if Analysis
Add Fill Colors and a Background Image
Insert Functions from the Formula Library
Use the PMT Function to Calculate a Loan Payment
Describe the Excel Worksheet
Enter Formulas Using Point Mode
#shorcut #keyboard #excel