Written by Debra Dalgleish from Contextures Blog
If you have a list of names or topics in Excel, here’s how you can quickly create PowerPoint slides from that list. Unlike most of my macros, these run in PowerPoint, to pull the data from Excel. That was easier than writing Excel macros to make things happen in PowerPoint!
Create a Slide for Each Excel Item
In these macros, the main PowerPoint slide is duplicated. Then, the data from Excel is added to the text boxes on the new slide.
There are 4 macros, with variations for
- 1 or 2 text boxes on the slide
- all Excel rows, or based on criteria
You can download the free files from my Contextures site. There’s a zipped folder with the PowerPoint presentation, and an Excel file with data for the slides.
Slide Data in Excel List
There’s a small named table in the sample Excel file, with data for the PowerPoint slides.
You can use this for testing, before trying the macros with your own Excel data.
PowerPoint Main Slide
In PowerPoint, the first slide in the presentation has two text boxes.
The macro duplicates the first slide, and puts the Excel information in those text boxes
In the sample file, don’t move the main slide, if you want the macros to work correctly!
PowerPoint Main Slide
That first slide in the presentation is based on a Master slide.
- You can edit its Master slide, to change the background or text box settings.
- You can also replace that chart icon with your company logo, or add other features.
More PowerPoint Slides
In the PowerPoint file that you can download from my Contextures site, there are 2 other slides.
- Those additional slides have notes on using the macros, and formatting the Slide Master.
- These slides aren’t needed by the macro, and you can delete them.
How to Run Macro to Create Slides
To create PowerPoint slides, from a list in Excel, follow these steps:
- Open the Excel file where your list is stored
- Activate the sheet where the data is stored – the list must be formatted as a named Excel table
- Open the PowerPoint presentation that contains the macros and main slide
- Be sure the main slide, that you want to duplicate, is the first slide in the presentation
- At the top of PowerPoint, on the View tab, click Macros
- Select one of the Create Slides macros, and click Run
Check the New Slides
After the macro runs, you can check the new slides that were added to the PowerPoint presentation.
- In this example, I ran the macro for 2 text boxes, and checked column 3 in the data, for a “Y”
- Three of the rows have a “Y”, so 3 slides were added to the presentation.
NOTE: This macro code is further down the page, and all four macros are in the sample PowerPoint file.
Save the PowerPoint Slides
After you run the macro, and create the duplicate slides:
- Save the PowerPoint file with a new name.
- Then, in that new file, delete the main slide and the two notes slides, or hide them.
NOTE: If you simply export the new slides, you’ll lose the formatting, because they’re based on the Master Slide in the original PowerPoint file.
Create a Presentation Template
Another option is to save the PowerPoint file in PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template (potm) format.
By default, that file will be saved in your Custom Office Templates folder.
Then, to create a new set of slides from Excel data:
- In PowerPoint, click File, then click New
- In the Templates section, click Personal
- Click on the Slides from Excel template, then click Create
PowerPoint Slides From Excel Macro Code
Here is the code for the CreateSlidesTest_Text2 macro that fills two text boxes on a slide, and checks the Excel table for criteria.
NOTE: To use the macro with a different Excel table, you can change the variable settings, in this section of the macro code.
'columns with text for slides col01 = 1 col02 = 2 'test column and criterion colTest = 3 strTest = "y"
This macro creates slides for items in the Excel list, after checking a criteria cell, and fills 2 text boxes.
- In Excel, checks the test column (colTest), and creates a slide if it contains the specified text string (strTest)
- In the PowerPoint slide, text from the specified columns (col01 and col02), is entered in the 1st text box and 2nd text box
Sub CreateSlidesTest_Text2() 'https://www.contextures.com 'create slide for names ' that pass criteria test 'fill two text boxes Dim myPT As Presentation Dim myMain As Slide Dim myDup As Slide Dim xlApp As Object Dim wbA As Object Dim wsA As Object Dim myList As Object Dim myRng As Object Dim i As Long Dim col01 As Long Dim col02 As Long Dim colTest As Long Dim strTest As String 'columns with text for slides col01 = 1 col02 = 2 'test column and criterion colTest = 3 strTest = "y" On Error Resume Next Set myPT = ActivePresentation Set myMain = myPT.Slides(1) Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") Set wbA = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook Set wsA = wbA.ActiveSheet Set myList = wsA.ListObjects(1) On Error GoTo errHandler If Not myList Is Nothing Then Set myRng = myList.DataBodyRange For i = 1 To myRng.Rows.Count 'Copy first slide, paste after last slide If UCase(wsA.Cells(i, colTest).Value) _ = UCase(strTest) Then With myPT 'Duplicate slide 1, move after last slide myMain.Duplicate Set myDup = .Slides(2) myDup.MoveTo myPT.Slides.Count 'change text in 1st textbox myDup.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text _ = myRng.Cells(i, col01).Value 'change text in 2nd textbox myDup.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text _ = myRng.Cells(i, col02).Value End With End If Next Else MsgBox "No Excel table found on active sheet" GoTo exitHandler End If exitHandler: Exit Sub errHandler: MsgBox "Could not complete slides" Resume exitHandler: End Sub
Learn More About PowerPoint Macros
There are PowerPoint code samples on the Microsoft site, that helped me get started with these macros to create slides from Excel data.
For more examples, you can check the StackOverflow forum, or PowerPoint sites.
Get the PowerPoint Slide Files
You can download the free files from my Contextures site. There’s a zipped folder with the PowerPoint presentation, and an Excel file with data for the slides.
The macros that create slides are stored in the PowerPoint file. There are no macros in the Excel workbook
PowerPoint Slides from Excel List
PowerPoint Slides From Excel List is a post from Contextures Blog and is not allowed to be copied to other sites