The *ONLY* 10 Excel keyboard shortcuts  you need to master

The *ONLY* 10 Excel keyboard shortcuts you need to master

Want to learn some useful Excel shortcuts, but not sure which ones? Here is my choice of top 10 shortcuts to learn. Master these and your productivity will soar.

They are:
1) ctrl t – Create tables
2) ctrl d – Fill down
3) ctrl shift L – Apply / remove filters
4) ctrl arrow keys – Navigation around worksheet
5) ctrl 1 – Format anything
6) ctrl alt v – Paste Special
7) f2 – Edit a cell
8) f4 – Change ref. style / repeat last action
9) f9 – Recalculate / evaluate portions of the formula
10) ALT key – access everything on the ribbon

For a full list of important shortcuts, see this page –

More:19 of my favourite Excel Shortcuts –

#ExcelShortcuts #Top10Shortcuts

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