The Ultimate Excel Tutorial – Beginner to Advanced – 5 Hours!

The Ultimate Excel Tutorial – Beginner to Advanced – 5 Hours!

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We’ve combined some of our very best Excel tutorials in this training video to take you from beginner to Excel expert in under 6 hours! We’ve split this tutorial into 6 comprehensive topics to make sure we got you covered.

We start off with the basics with Excel Formulas for Beginners, where we teach you some of the common functions used in Excel such as VLOOKUP, COUNT, SUM, and IF and how calculations work in Excel, and Data Cleaning in Excel, where we share 10 data cleaning tips and tricks like Clear Formatting, Removing Duplicates, and using Find & Replace and how to perform basic cleaning in Power Query.

We then move on to intermediate concepts such as Pivot Tables and Dynamic Array Functions, where we discuss 8 functions that use dynamic arrays to solve problems like XLOOKUP and XMATCH.

We wrap it up by covering Advanced Formulas in Excel, where we dive deeper into Logical Functions and other advanced Excel functions such as INDEX, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT, SUMIFS, and COUNTIFS and finally VBA Macros for Beginners, where we explain what Macros and VBA are and show you how to Record, Save, and Run Macros in Excel. You will also learn how to edit VBA code and assign Macro shortcuts.

We’ve even included downloadable course files so you can follow along in this course. This will help you put what you are learning into practice and master MS Excel.


📝 Use the timestamps below to navigate to different sections of the course. If you already know one of these topics, skip ahead!

0:00:00 – Excel Formulas for Beginners
1:07:19 – Cleaning Data in Excel
2:12:55 – Pivot Tables Excel Tutorial
3:03:44 – Dynamic Array Functions
3:45:20 – Advanced Formulas in Excel
4:41:15 – Macros and Basic VBA in Excel

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