Excel File Auto Backup When Workbook Saved

Do you hit the Save button frequently, while you work in Excel? And do you make backup copies of your Excel files, especially before making major changes? Or, do you only think about saving, right after Excel crashes?

Save, Save, Save

After many painful experiences, I learned to save my work in Excel, every 5 minutes or so. Just press Ctrl+S, then get right back to work. It’s a good habit, and has saved me from many hours of having to redo Excel work!

I also created my free Excel Backup Tool which I use several times a day.

  • It saves a copy of the the active workbook, in its current state, with a time stamp in the file name.
  • That way, if something goes horribly wrong, I can go back to a recent version of the workbook.
Backup Free help tooltips
Backup Free help tooltips

P.S. You can also use my quick backup macro, and run it with a button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

backup button on Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
backup button on Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

Get Excel Help from Copilot

Recently, I heard from Khushnood Viccaji (KV), an experienced Excel user, who also likes to save his work frequently.

  • You might remember the tips he shared previously, for organizing computer files.

Lately, he’s been experimenting with Microsoft’s Copilot tool, to help him create advanced content:

  • complex VBA code
  • custom formulas for Power Query (M code)
  • complex Excel formulas

Copilot Backup Code

For example, he asked Copilot to write an automatic backup procedure, that would run every time he saved the Excel file.

The test went remarkably well, you can read all of the details below, and see the final VBA code.

Many thanks to Khushnood for sharing this example! Be sure to read the final section below, where Khushnood shares a few final tips on working with Copilot.

P.S. Here’s one tip from me:

  • Save the file in a macro-enabled format (xlsm or xlsb), before you add the VBA code.


Copilot Prompts and Replies


I have a few Excel files which I’d like to auto-back in a specified folder (say, D:Work filesBackup) every time I save it. The backup filename should be in the following format: <filename> – <yyyymmdd>-hh:mm:ss.<extn>

This VBA code would be stored in the ThisWorkbook section of the workbook under the event Workbook_BeforeSave.

As an extension to this code, I need only 5 backup versions of each file to be saved in the specified folder. When the count reaches 5 for the file, the code should delete the 5th oldest backup version of this particular file in the backup folder.

Please give me the VBA code to accomplish this in Excel 365.



Sure, here’s a VBA code snippet that should help you accomplish this.

This code will be placed in the ThisWorkbook section of the workbook under the Workbook_BeforeSave event.


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim Path As String

Dim fileName As String

Dim backupFileName As String

Dim files As Collection

Dim file As Variant

‘ Specify your backup folder path

Path = “D:Work filesBackup”

‘ Create backup file name

fileName = ThisWorkbook.Name

backupFileName = Path & fileName & ” – ” & Format(Now, “yyyymmdd-hhmmss”) & “.xlsm”

‘ Save a backup copy of the workbook

ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs backupFileName

‘ Get all backup files of the current workbook

Set files = New Collection

file = Dir(Path & fileName & “*”)

Do While file <> “”

files.Add file, file

file = Dir


‘ If more than 5 backup files, delete the oldest one

If files.Count > 5 Then

Kill Path & files.Item(1)

End If

End Sub


This code will create a backup of your workbook every time you save it. The backup files will be saved in the specified folder with the filename format you provided. If there are more than 5 backup versions of a file, it will delete the oldest one.

Please note that you need to enable the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference in the VBA editor for this code to work. You can do this by going to Tools -> References in the VBA editor, and then checking the box for Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

Also, please remember to replace “D:Work filesBackup” with the actual path where you want to store the backup files.

Important: Always make sure to test this code thoroughly and use it at your own risk. It’s always a good idea to keep separate backups of your important files. This code is provided as is and does not come with warranties of any kind. Use it responsibly and at your own risk.

Let me know if you need further assistance!



This code works perfectly!

I need one more thing to be considered. It should save the file with its existing extension (xlsb / xlsm / xls) instead of the fixed “xlsm” extension given in the above code. Please give me the modified code for this!



I’m glad to hear that the code is working well for you!

To save the file with its existing extension, you can modify the code to extract the extension from the original file name.

Here’s the updated code:


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim Path As String

Dim fileName As String

Dim backupFileName As String

Dim files As Collection

Dim file As Variant

Dim extn As String

‘ Specify your backup folder path

Path = “D:Work filesBackup”

‘ Get the extension of the current workbook

extn = Mid(ThisWorkbook.Name, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, “.”) + 1)

‘ Create backup file name

fileName = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, “.”) – 1)

backupFileName = Path & fileName & ” – ” & Format(Now, “yyyymmdd-hhmmss”) & “.” & extn

‘ Save a backup copy of the workbook

ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs backupFileName

‘ Get all backup files of the current workbook

Set files = New Collection

file = Dir(Path & fileName & “*”)

Do While file <> “”

files.Add file, file

file = Dir


‘ If more than 10 backup files, delete the oldest one

If files.Count > 10 Then

Kill Path & files.Item(1)

End If

End Sub


This updated code will save the backup files with the same extension as the original file.

Important: As always, please test this code thoroughly and use it at your own risk. It’s always a good idea to keep separate backups of your important files. This code is provided as is and does not come with warranties of any kind. Use it responsibly and at your own risk.

Let me know if you need further assistance!



This is really great work! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚


You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy coding!


Copilot Advice from Khushnood

Here are five Copilot tips from Khushnood, to help you get the best results:

1) Requirements

  • For such tasks (generating code snippets, complex formulas), it is a good idea to spell out the requirements in as much detail as possible.
    Copilot (and other LLMs) are designed to “understand” natural language queries, and they generally give better results when the questions are drafted carefully and in detail.

2) Follow Up

  • If your question is not answered to your satisfaction or you need something more to be considered, Copilot (and other LLMs) work quite effectively with “follow-up questions”. As was the case with my query.
  • The first bit of code had the file extension (.xlsm) hard-coded in it. So I asked it to make that dynamic and save the backup file with each file’s existing extension (xls / xlsm / xlsb). It gave me the modified code within seconds.

3) Precision

  • For most of my questions of this type, I use the “More precise” option (instead of the creative or balanced options).

4) Test the Results

  • The results from Copilot may not always work as intended. Users should test it on a copy of their files to make sure that the code works as they expect it to.

5) Hallucinations

  • It is also possible that sometimes Copilot will “hallucinate” and give completely wrong or even made-up answers! For example, I asked it to give me similar code for saving backup files of Word documents.
  • And it came up with code using objects / methods / commands that were quite similar to Excel VBA. Except that there are no such objects / methods / commands in the Word VBA model.
    Copilot simply presumed that what had worked perfectly in Excel would also work in Word with a few changes in the code! Ha ha!


Excel File Auto Backup When Workbook Saved

Excel File Auto Backup When Workbook Saved


Original source: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2024/05/16/excel-file-auto-backup-workbook-saved/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=excel-file-auto-backup-workbook-saved

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