Progress tracker with animated image in Google Sheet – Excel Tips and Tricks

Progress tracker with animated image in Google Sheet – Excel Tips and Tricks

Discover I can create a progress tracker with animated image in Google Sheet.
I will not be using an animated gif in cell, but use logical IF to shuffle the image. I will be using checkbox to replace traditional progress bar for project tracking and habit tracking. Did I day this can be used for habit tracking too?

Here are the steps as outlined on this video.

Add Checkboxes
1) Highlight A2 to A21
2) Insert ~ Checkbox

1) Count completed task
2) Count incomplete task
3) Percentage completed

Image Repo
1) New Sheet
2) Select A1
3) Insert ~ Image ~ Insert image in cell
4) Upload tab
5) Browse
6) Select your picture
7) Open
8) Do for the remaining of the images.
Repeat steps 2 to 7
9) Resize cell height (153px)

Growth Image
1) Select Cell B23
2) =IF(B27&lt=0,’159_IMG’!A1,IF(B27&lt=0.25,’159_IMG’!B1,IF(B27&lt=0.5,’159_IMG’!C1,IF(B27&lt1,’159_IMG’!D1,IF(B27&gt=1,’159_IMG’!E1,””)))))
Note these are my boundaries
3) Resize row 23 height

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