Now you know how to crosshair highlight in excel, essentially, how to highlight row and column of active cell. And also create a crosshair highlight with intersecting cell as a different colour. The next level is to disable the crosshair highlight when you do not need it, and enable the crosshair highlight when you need it. Essentially temporary highlight columns and rows intersecting cell when you need it and hide it when you do not.
And this is how you do it. These are the steps outlined in the video.
Create Pull Down Menu
1) Select cell B1
2) Data ~ Data Tools
3) Data Validation ~ Data Validation
4) Set Allow to List
5) Set location for On and Off
Modify Conditional Formatting Formula
1) Ctrl + A
2) Home ~ Style ~ Conditional Formatting
3) Manage Rules…
4) Formula edits
Crosshair Center Cell
For Column
For Rows
5) OK
Here are the past videos of how to create a crosshair highlight in Excel.
Crosshair Highlight In Excel – How To Highlight Row And Column Of Active Cell -Excel Tips and Tricks
Crosshair Highlight With Intersecting Cell As Different Color – In Excel
How to crosshair highlight enabled and disable in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks
How to Enable and Disable Crosshair Highlight for Rows or Columns in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks
Crosshair highlight in Google Sheet – Excel Tips and Tricks
Crosshair Highlight With User Selected DropDown List in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks
Crosshair Highlight With User Selected DropDown List in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks – DETAIL EXPLANATION
Crosshair Highlight Entire Whole Workbook In Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks
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