Alternating row colors in Excel using conditional formatting and ISEVEN() – Excel Tips and Tricks

Alternating row colors in Excel using conditional formatting and ISEVEN() – Excel Tips and Tricks

Discover how to alternating row colors in Excel using conditional formatting and ISEVEN() function. This is a demonstration of how do I fill alternate rows with color in Excel?

Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to manage and analyze data. One way to make data easier to read and understand is to alternate row colors in Excel. This can be done with or without tables by using the conditional formatting feature. To shade alternate rows in Excel, you can use the conditional formatting option and apply a formula to alternating row colors in Excel. This formula allows you to choose which rows to format based on specific criteria that you define. Another useful feature is the ability to apply alternating row colors in Excel based on groups, which is particularly helpful when working with large data sets. Additionally, Excel has a built-in feature called banded rows that can automatically shade alternate rows. If you are using Excel on a Mac, you can also use conditional formatting to shade every other row. By utilizing these formatting techniques, you can improve the readability of your data and make it more visually appealing.

Here are the steps highlighted in my video.

Automatically Highlight New Row
1) Select columns A to D
2) Home ~ Style ~ Conditional Formatting
3) New Rule…
4) Select “Use a formula to determine which cells to format”.
5) =AND(ISEVEN(ROW()),$A2&gt&lt””)
6) Format
7) Fill tab
8) Select color
9) OK
10) OK

Automatically Draw Border On New Row
1) Select columns A to D
2) Home ~ Style ~ Conditional Formatting
3) New Rule…
4) Select “Use a formula to determine which cells to format”.
5) =$A2&gt&lt””
6) Format
7) Border tab
8) Outline
9) OK
10) OK

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