Excel Quick Tips – How to use the COUNTIFS function

Excel Quick Tips – How to use the COUNTIFS function

Excel Quick Tips – How to use the COUNTIFS function

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Want to learn some helpful Excel functions? In this short I show you a quick use case for the COUNTIFS function to instantly count the number of customers by region from my example data set, which you can access if you check out my Excel for Analytics project series here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_WHfGYyPRuOWqablvZAw3iJHUoIGk7F3

The Syntax is as follows:
=COUNTIFS(Criteria 1 Range, Criteria 1, Criteria 2 Range, Criteria 2, etc.)

Criteria Range means the series of data that has criteria you want to count
Criteria here means what specifically you are counting from the range

In our example we grab the criteria range (region column in the data table), and we match against our criteria list, which are the unique regions.

Have fun!

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