Here you will learn the top 10 excel secrets you should know to work fast in your day to day work. Learning these tips and tricks will make you an excel expert. Request you to watch the entire video to not to miss any important portion.
Topics covered in this video are:
-How to paste without any format
-Character level editing using F2
-Character level formatting using F2
-How to create multiple lines in a cell
-Using Notepad before pasting text
-Multiple selection using control Key (CTR + Select)
-Quick entry by holding control key (CTR + Enter)
-Play with number format in excel, using number format
-Excel will speak, excel will read text
-How to use quick access tool bar
-Quick rename tab or worksheet (Double Click)
-Quick copy a tab (CTR + Drag)
-How to Quickly copy a tab or worksheet (CTR + Drag)
-Easy way to select formula
-Different ways to fill data down (CTR + D)
-How to fill a data quickly in the cells underneath (CTR + D)
-Different ways to fill data right (CTR + R)
-How to fill a data quickly in the cells right (CTR + R)
-Type random number in a range (=Randbetween (bottom, top))
-Quickly insert current time in excel (CTR + Shift + Colon)
-Quickly insert current date in excel (CTR + Colon)
-Quickly select all cells (CTR + A)
-Quickly select an existing table (CTR + A or CTR + Shift + *)
-Easily swap columns (Shift + Drag)
-Easily swap rows (Shift + Drag)
-Use F4 for repeat last action – to apply styles, to remove styles
-How to quickly repeat my last action in excel (F4)
-Merge cells without merge (Center across selection)
-Show as a merged cell but without merge
-Input Values Starting with 0
-Fast Navigation with Ctrl + Arrow Button
-Speedily Move and Copy Data in Cells
-One Click to Select All
-New Line in a Single Cell
-Double Click Tricks
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Please watch: “Play with Duplicate Data in Excel – Part 2 – Highlight, Remove, Trigger”